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"JANOOSE and the FALL FEATHER FAIR https://cerealauthors.wordpress.com/2020/ 07/17/janoose-and-the-fall-feather-fair-2/"
Jul 21, 2020

Tell us about your book(s)

In general, my books are all about what it means to love each other. There are as many ways to love a person as there are people—you love your children in a different way than you love your parents. My books are also about light: waking up to who you are, discovering the universal truths and what we’re made of. And they are about magic: vampires, witches, healers, light walkers and lycanthrope.

Specifically, the Love and Light series is about Loti Dupree and her journey of discovering who she is and what her life’s purpose, her dharma, is supposed to be. Along the way, she grieves, falls in love with a vampire, fights for her life and to save others. And just when she thinks she’s figured it all out, she has to open herself up to mind-expanding ideas and events she never thought possible.

Where did the idea of your (latest) book come from?

Enlightened is the first of the Love and Light Series and the idea for it started 15 years ago, believe it or not. In 1998 I was hiking the Appalachian Trail and met up with a great bunch of hikers. During the last two months of that hike several of us banded together for moral support and called ourselves the Tribe. It got me thinking—which you have plenty of time to do hiking 8 hours a day—about what it would be like to live as a tribe on the Trail year round. And why would you do that? That’s where I got the idea for the Travelers in Enlightened. As a matter of fact, I wrote a story just about the Travelers. Then I started studying to be a yoga teacher and this whole world of subtle energy theory exploded in my mind. Among energy workers (Acupuncturists, etc.) energetic healers are sometimes referred to as light walkers. The two ideas (Travelers and light walkers) started interacting in my mind. And I have always been an avid vampire fan—from Love Bites to Twilight, yes, even sparkly vamps do it for me—so it all came together in Enlightened and the Love and Light series. Whew! *wipes brow* Does that make sense?

Who and what inspires you to write your books?

Everything and everyone. Seriously, life itself with its rollercoaster-type ups and downs sparks my imagination and brings on long bouts of introspection. My mind is usually buzzing along at 100 mph and when I don’t write, I have anxiety issues. I’m not joking. I quite literally write to stay sane. But if you’re asking me if there is a special person who inspired me to write, I guess I would have to say my grandmother. She wasn’t a writer, but she was a story teller. I listened to her tell countless tales about her own life and her friends and our family over the years. I often wrote them down, and those tales find their way into my stories.

Each author has their own fascinating journey. How did you begin writing?

I started writing when I was six years old. My first real story was entitled “I’m Six Years Old Today” and it was about—you guessed it—turning six years old. How I wasn’t five anymore and not quite seven, and well, you get the idea. The teacher gave me an A+ and wrote on my paper, “You’ll be a writer one day”. I screwed up my first grade nose and said, “But I’m already a writer.” My mom had to explain what she meant—that I’d be a professional, published writer one day. The idea fascinated me because I was already an avid reader. What fun it would be to

write a book that other people would read. Um, yeah. Kids have the darndest ideas, don’t they? It’s not all fun and games, but I wouldn’t want to be doing anything else.

What has been the most pleasant surprise about being a writer? How about the most unexpected downside?

The most pleasant surprise about being an independent author is the community. I have found the most amazing group of writers online. It is without a doubt the best case of “Hang with winners” that I’ve ever experienced. These folks make my day often and have propped me up too many times to count throughout this journey. I hope I have done half as much for them as they have done for me.

The unexpected downside is the struggle to balance my writing obsession, as well as the marketing and business tasks, with raising a family and having a social life. Like right now, I have edits and this interview to finish and my husband calls because my daughter broke her braces. I ask, “Is she bleeding? Is her tooth damaged? Does she need immediate medical attention? Is the wire poking her or otherwise in an unsafe position?” The answer to all of this is no, so why do I need to be consulted at this time? Ugh. Or, my son has an event at school on the same day I’ve planned to get marketing materials put together. As the “boss”, I should be able to adjust my schedule, right? But I’m also the writer, the publisher, the PR rep and the cleaning lady. Lol! And is there any time left to hang with friends?

Do you have any particular writing routines or rituals?

Mostly, I require coffee/tea and some music. I like to diffuse essential oils and light candles, but it isn’t necessary, unless I’m distracted and need to focus.

Do you write in order?

Most of the time. Occasionally, a scene pops into my head and I will write it just to get it off my mind. Is it bad to say that most of the time they are sex scenes? *blushes* Later on, I’ll work it in where it belongs, but that is rare for me. The funny thing is when it does happen, I end up changing it to fit what came before. Go figure. ;-)

What is on your playlist when you write?

Ahahahaha! Which playlist? Stories of My Misspent Youth? SexScenes? Hate to Love You Songs? Sometimes, Even Badasses Need to be Rescued? I have as many playlists as I have moods and scenes to write. However, some of my favorite artists are MC Yogi, Pink, Missy Higgins, Eminem, and Everlast.

Favorite writing snack?

*coughs* I don’t tend to eat when I write, but I always have a beverage handy. And if I do eat something while at the lappy, it usually involves chocolate.

Where do you like to write?

I used to adore the cocoon of my writing desk, but lately I like to get out of the house and plop myself down at the local coffee shop. Or my friend, Christine’s house

Do you have any advice for authors wanting to publish?

Yes! Plan. Set deadlines. Don’t say, “I will write for 2 hours today.” Say, “I will write 2k words today.” Don’t skip the editing process. Don’t give up when you have that “I write crap” moment (and it will come, trust me). Cry, scream, throw things, have a pity party. Then, dust yourself off, get back up and write. Meet your deadlines and hire people to do the things you don’t have time for or know how to do like creating a cover or formatting. If you don’t plan ahead, then you’re planning to fail.

What are your thoughts on social media?

Be yourself. When you are truly yourself, the audience will find you. Don’t spam the Twitter-sphere or facebook. Tooting your own horn gets annoying to your followers and they will unfollow you. Get your friends and fans to do it for you. Hire a tour company to get reviews out there and be careful about scheduling posts/tweets. Too much of that will turn your fans off. You’re an author, not a PR firm.

Are you currently working on anything else?

Lol! Yes. I just finished book 2 in the Love and Light series, Samskaras. I am also planning a spin-off series for next year I’m calling the Little Flame Series starring Fiamette (a supporting character in Enlightened and Samskaras). I’m trying something different with her series. Also, I’m doing research for a historical novel, as well as a fun reference guide for surviving the zombie apocalypse in the woods. Yeah. You read that right. Stay tuned. ;-)

Who is your favorite character and why?

In my books or all books? In my books, I would say Fiamette. That’s why I’m writing an entire series just about her for next year. In all books? Jane Eyre. I may change my mind next week, but this week I’m thinking she’s the first proto-feminist heroine of all time. And she is incredibly strong, yet vulnerable. I like that combo. Strength is not about closing yourself off from life and its various mood swings, but about being able to stay open to the onslaught and not only survive, but thrive.

Favorite book of all time?

Dang. Seriously? That’s like asking me which day of my life was my all-time favorite. But, the one book I go back to over and over is The Stand by Stephen King. I can re-read it after a couple of years and find something new. I know, I know. You were expecting Ulysses by James Joyce or Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte (which I do love) etc. But, no. The Stand. I like stories that dig down into the dirt and don’t apologize for bringing you the truth on a paper plate. It says more to me than any of the classics.

I think breakfast says a lot about a person, what is your perfect breakfast?

Coconut coffee with my homemade protein packed peaches and cream oat muffins.

Please tell us in one sentence why we should read your book.

You’ll never look at the world and the people you love the same after reading it.

About the Author

Melissa Lummis considers herself a truth seeker, a peaceful warrior, a paranormal and fantasy writer, an avid reader, a thru-hiker GAàME ’98, a wife, a mother, and a free thinker. She believes the universe conspires to help an adventurer. And if we live our lives as if it is a daring adventure (and it is!), then everything we need will find its way to us.

The author lives in rural Virginia with her husband, two children, an Alaskan Malamute and a myriad of forest creatures. The nature of her mind dictates that she write to stay sane. Otherwise, her fertile imagination takes off on tangents of its own accord, creating scenarios and worlds that confuse the space-time continuum. Namaste, dear friends.

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Twitter https://twitter.com/melissalummis
Blog www.melissalummis.blogspot.com

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