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Selkie Moon and The Second Path by Virginia King @selkiemoonbooks

The Selkie Moon series is not what I expected, but I am loving watching her grow, change and solve the mystery that surrounds her life.

The Second Path (Selkie Moon Mystery, #2)

Amazon / Goodreads


When we left Selkie Moon in Book I, The First Lie, she was stranded, naked on the beach. We do get a recap of how she came to be there, but I recommend reading the series in order to get the full picture.

It’s hard to write reviews for the second book in a series without giving anything away and I sure don’t want to spoil Selkie’s adventure as she struggles to find her home. Where does she belong? How will she find peace and escape the danger that seems to be following her? It’s hard to decide who is friend and who is foe, but with her wonderful group of friends, she won’t have to do it alone.

Derek is her guardian angel. He’s angry over her disappearance, but he will be there for her, no matter what. Alister, oh how he makes her heart skip a beat, but she can’t commit to a relationship. Will she find romance? And Nigel. I can relate to Selkie. I too have had more male friends than girl friends. She does have Wanda, her ex roommate and after what happened, I wonder if she will be her roommate again.

She has her favorite restaurant, The Pearl, who’s owner, Eugene, is a sage, he sees things others don’t, while Coral has a permanent spot on the bus line and is an oracle, a psychic that tells her ‘Ala’ (path). Her adventure is not over and there is a path, A Second Path, that she must walk. Davina makes her creations through divine intervention and makes Selkie the most awesome dress ever, while helping her sort through her thoughts.

I am loving watching Selkie patch her life back together, moving on, finding her true self, but I keep waiting for something more. What? I don’t know. She walks her path, her journey, finding herself and a new friend. People enter and leave her as she travels around the world, looking for her HOME.

Once I got past my expectations I was able to truly enjoy Selkie’s adventure and appreciate the story that Virginia King had to share. I look forward to reading more of her work.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of The Second Path by Virginia King.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos4 Stars


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