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Jul 21, 2020

Out Of This World – The Bounty Hunter by P R Garcia #PRGarcia

P R Garcia is an amazing writer and I am soooo happy to have a copy of her latest book, The Bounty Hunter. If you like science fiction, you will love this. If you don’t, I would still highly recommend it. It just might change your mind.

The Bounty Hunter

Amazon / Goodreads


WOW! INTENSE! A MUST READ if you are into science fiction…and if you’re not, this may change your mind. So much more than I expected, this wild rollercoaster ride had all my emotions roiled up. I was happy, sad, devastated, and satisfied. I felt like I had been run over by a truck by the time I was done. I loved the start and was immediately hooked on Biijun and Li-ara’s story. I don’t feel my review can convey my feelings, but I tried.

Biijun is a Huntsman, a Bounty Hunter. He is all man, a warrior whose life is devoted to his work. Li-ara lives alone, after the death of her husband, with her faithful companions Kii and Beta, two canines. I would love to have them for my friends and protectors. They are highly intelligent and will lay down their lives for those they love. They play a huge part in the story. Unforeseen circumstances bring them together to face the fight of their lives.

The romance is so sweet, naive and innocent on both their parts, but he cannot stay with her. His life is devoted to being a Hunter, never showing his face to outsiders. Will he sacrifice the Helmet for love?

P R Garcia writes some powerful novels. Her characters make me worry for them, hope for them, want to call out to them as I’m reading, telling them to not go out the door. She makes me want to race through the pages to find out what will happen next, yet I slow down and enjoy the journey.

I teared up as…the children…and I do love that P R Garcia adds a touch of realism, the fact that no matter how hard we try, sometimes circumstances are beyond our control.

The danger is intense, brutal, savage, lurking in the dark, right around the corner, waiting… We have plenty of sadness, but the bravery and hopefulness lessens the pain. The world P R Garcia created is full of battles, lives lost, but love, family, friendship, sacrifice, loyalty and respect are in abundance. She has become a must read author for me.

WARNING: For Part III, find a quiet, solitary place where you will not be disturbed, have some tissues handy, and be prepared for an emotional rollercoaster. AND I loved every minute of it. I kept putting the book down, savoring the moment, not wanting it to end. I was so choked up at the last pages my throat hurt. It took a while to get through because I couldn’t see through the tears in my eyes. Even though it was so emotional and filled with sadness, I also felt relief when I was done. Mr Wonderful was sitting beside me, laughing at me.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of The Bounty Hunter by P R Garcia.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos5 Stars



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