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Jul 21, 2020

Review: Roxanne Desired (Prime Wolf #2) by Gena D. Lutz


(Off Goodreads)

Waking up fur covered and fanged isn't the easiest thing for a girl to deal with. Unfortunately, for Roxanne Delaney, that is her new reality. The only upside is finding herself the bondmate to one hot and sexy werewolf, Nathan Hayes. The downside; learning to adapt to a primal element that craves the rending of flesh and the oh-so-sweet taste of blood. Will this shy waitress-turned-wolf rise to the challenges of this new life—one that is now littered with otherworldly creatures hell-bent on destroying her and the people she cares for? Or will the pressures of a new-found love and difficult battles prove too much for Roxanne to handle?

My Review:

Action packed thrills keep readers on the edge of their seat in the second battle with the evil Tyson. Roxanne is bound the sexy wolf Nathan, that she’s okay with but being a wolf-vampire hybrid is taking some getting used to, too bad she has to get over it because the bad guys have sent otherworldly creatures hell bent on their destruction.

Ember and Collin’s pack just can’t catch a break as this fast paced and smooth flowing story continues their war against the evil Tyson and his minions who are determined to bring pure evil into their world. The author brings the story to life with well written scenes and details which inspire vivid images that capture the imagination and the well orchestrated action scenes are exciting and believable. The strong compelling characters are easily related to and grab the reader’s attention from the very beginning.

The chemistry between Nathan and Roxanne burns up the pages and the sex scenes explode in a fiery inferno of passion, the relationship however is under a little stress with rabid wolves attacking at every opportunity, not to mention jealous she wolves who want Nathan for themselves.  The reader can’t help but empathize with Roxanne as she tries to deal with everything that is happening to her and new found abilities that add a little stress to the situation as well. 

The characters from the previous book continue to captivate the reader and some new characters are added to the group as well.  There is lots of action and suspense to keep the reader’s on their toes as well as some twists and turns to keep them guessing.  I found the story to be exciting and entertaining and there was never a dull moment and I can’t wait to read the next book in this fascinating world.  I do recommend that this series by read in order because to better understand and get the full impact of the evil this group of wolves are up against.



Purchase Links:


Crimson Moon, June 27, 2013, 205 pages, ebook

Prime Wolf:

# 3 Coming soon

About Gena D Lutz:

(Off author’s site)

I am a wife and mother. It's as easy as that. But to be a little more specific, I also like to create worlds. And in these worlds, I morph into the ultimate Puppet-Master. I meticulously pull the strings on dozens of fantasized characters. I make them dance for me...love for me...and when I am in a particularly feisty mood, I even make one or two of them kill for me. Then, after play time is over...I emerge from my land of make believe just in time...to do the dishes. 

~Gena - See more at: http://authorgenadlutz.weebly.com/blog#sthash.o3xiHnN4.dpuf

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