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Review: Sucking in San Francisco by Jessica McBrayer

Sucking in San Francisco by Jessica McBrayer is a bloody good read that you will want in your horror collection.

I couldn’t help but laugh at the title and ran right over to sign up to review this fun vampiric novel through Masquerade Book Tours R2R program.

I mean, check out that cover. How could I possible resist?

sucking in san francisco

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Cover: Marik Berghs


Sucking in San Francisco by Jessica McBrayer has a great title and cover combination. This paranormal romance is written with a light and comical touch, with characters that got me involved and kept me there.

I love the fun humorous, witty, snarky writing that makes sucking sound like it’s okay, just a necessity, whether it’s for blood or energy.

Lilith, a vampire, works for a suicide hotline. How funny is that? She is an obsessive compulsive under stress, a germaphobe, lysol and handi-wipes always in reach. She swabs the neck of her victim before she sinks her teeth into him. HA HA HA!

Sebastian, a fellow vamp who has been like a brother to her, all of a sudden has the hots for her. He is a vamp casanova. Can she trust him? Or is this just lust? After 76 years, Lilith is having some of the same feelings. How long can she ignore them? Lilith does acts like a teen, so is she a baby vamp?

Aidan is a djinnn that has formed an attachment to her. He met Lilith when he called into the suicide hotline she worked for. She’s awakened his curiosity, given him a reason, a disire to live.  Can a vampire and djinn be, you know together?

Hannah is another vampire friend. She is a hippie and dresses like a Goth hooker. I mention her, because she is a badass, unique individual and I love her. Will she have a book of her own. *crossing fingers and toes*

Someone else wants Sebastian and Lilith is in the way. Even Hannah is attracted to Sebastian. Is it vampire allure or just his hotness?

The mine’s bigger than yours going on between Sebastian and Aidan is comical, sweet and a triangle I didn’t mind…for a while. The testosterone challenge was fun, though it did drag on for a long time and Lilith comes across as somewhat of a bitch and a slut. I love them both and hate that she has to choose. But…I feel I do know who it will be.

I loved all the characters each playing their important and unique part to the story. Helena, Julian and Andrew deserve a mention. I love that Lilith works at a crisis center answering a suicide prevention hotline. At least that keeps her food supply going strong. LOL The writing is wonderful and the mystery is alive. We have heroes and villains, the vindictive, evil kind.

I received Sucking in San Francisco in return for an honest and unbiased review.

I see there are more books in the series and I was able to get the second one as an Amazon freebie, YAY. And it is about Hannah. I had a feeling she deserved a story of her own. I am looking forward to another fun and dangerous romp in San Francisco.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos  3 Stars


Jessica McBrayer

Jessica McBrayer lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. She lives in a house that looks like the prow of a
cruise ship and is surrounded by hills too steep for mountain goats, although every other animal seems to
make it their go to place. Jessica shares her home with her husband, her two children, assorted animals
and her mother who is a writer too. She is a member of
Romance Writers of America.

Be sure and stalk her at the following links:

Website  /  Blog  /  Twitter


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