Alex Siegel

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Gray Spear Society Series
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Alex Siegel grew up a math and computer geek. At the age of twenty-five, he received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Cornell. He continues to make a good living as a software developer in Chicago. In his late twenties, he took up creative writing as a serious pastime with the intention of eventually making it his career. This goal has been elusive, but failure is not an option. In 2001, his wife gave birth to triplet boys. People often ask him how he still finds time to write. In 2009, he began the Gray Spear Society series, and he hopes it will be his key to literary fame.

Comment Wall:

  • Laurie Jenkins

    Nope. Not yet, anyway. Unfortunately my reading/review schedule is already overbooked this summer.

  • Jennifer Hiles

    I wasn't familiar with your work until recently but I'm hoping to read Deadly Weakness after I finish the book I am reading now.  Looks like it is getting some great reviews on Amazon.  Apocalypse Cult looks really interesting too.