ER Pierce

Profile Information:

What is your Favorite Book?
The In Death Series by J.D. Robb
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Tell us about you
Emotional word vomiter. Ice Coffee drinker - (with chocolate syrup and Amaretto cream). Insanely sleep deprived mother of four hellspawn.

Check out my books if you're bored. They might spice up your marriage, heat up your love life, or make you shudder in horror. Depends on my mood

My heart, mind and soul bleed words for your enjoyment. To entice you, stimulate you, and captivate your spirit.

I've been writing for as long as I can remember. I wrote my first story when I was in seventh grade--A first person account of an entire summer. I went through a massive teen angst poetry phase, and I have notebooks and binders filled with prose.

Over a year ago, Ceithin and Aurelia showed up in my head. They yapped incessantly, demanding I sit and tell their story. After a month or two of being woken up with harsh whispers, I started writing. They haven't stopped, and in fact, brought friends. Now my head is filled with stories, scenes, snippets and crazy people.

Cue Law and Order music here: dun, dun.

These are their stories.

I write with emotion, occasionally a temper and I let my words flow free. I dabble in paranormal, contemporary romance, erotic fiction and darker urban fantasy.

Oh, and hey... I'm a Virgo.

I'm a writer.
A mother.
A wife.
and a terrible housekeeper
I'm honest. I love dark Chocolate and am addicted to Ice coffee.
I have an odd sense of humor, and love the snark. I also swear like a motherfucker. Sorry about that. Maybe.

Please like my fan page to keep up to date on my writing world :)

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