Ichabod Temperance


Profile Information:

What is your Favorite Book?
'The Baroque Cycle' by Neal Stephenson
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Tell us about you
"T'was the hand of fate that brought Miss Plumtartt and me together, for in truth, we have been happenstance stricken and adventure prone ever since."

Howdy, my names is Ichabod Temperance. and I am surprised, proud and thrilled to say that I have written some books!

Steampunk, Paranormal,
These are humourously told adventures with a touch of romance.

These Novels Contain:
-No graphic sex. {Though they are lightly sprinkled with mild innuendo.}
-No graphic violence. {There is some monster violence, but nothing bad.}
-No strong language.

Amazon links:
A Matter of Temperance {only .99 cents!}

A World of InTemperance

For the Love of Temperance

A Study in Temperance

Coming soon!
In a Latitude of Temperance

I will happily gift a kindle copy to any blogger in exchange for considering it for review.

Your pal,

Comment Wall:

  • Debbie Haupt

    Unfortunately I don't have a review policy because I can't take on any more reading right now.