Literary Addicts Book Club

This is an author sponsored book club. We will be reading a variety of genre and the ebook will be given to you for free to participate.

We will have book club once or twice a month, if an author hasn't scheduled we will pick a free ebook to read together.

If you are an author wanting to sponsor the book club Email for more information

Diary Question 2

Tyler and Cabe had been friends for years when she finally acknowledged her feelings for him. Do you think it's possible for men and women to be "just friends" for so long, and why do you think Tyler and Cabe never took their friendship to the next level before now?

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    It can be. They probably didn't go to the next level because they probably really didn't know how the other truly felt.

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      Joey Ross

      I think it's possible for a man and woman to just be friends.  I think Tyler and Cable were both afraid it would ruin their friendship.

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        Vincent F. A. Golphin

        Been there, done it, got the t-shirt, and the free happy meal, when it comes to women friends. I see friendship  as the best way to form a basis for a marital relationship. Now you know why I got married. I only have four friends (by special definition) in the world. My wife is the only woman in the group. I have many women friends (general definition), academic colleagues, writing partners, mentors, and people I like to chat with, yet those relationships will never likely go to romance, because they are based on a different commitment. That is why Cabe and Tyler had trouble with their signals, at first. They tried to move from a relationship based on mutual interest or activity toward one based on an unconditional commitment.
