Literary Addicts Book Club

This is an author sponsored book club. We will be reading a variety of genre and the ebook will be given to you for free to participate.

We will have book club once or twice a month, if an author hasn't scheduled we will pick a free ebook to read together.

If you are an author wanting to sponsor the book club Email for more information

Diary Question 3

 Tyler's relationship with Lillian has many facets, including Tyler's awe and respect for Lillian, her need for Lillian's approval, and her fear of Lillian. Do you think Lillian is aware of Tyler's reaction to her, and how do you think that factors in to the way Lillian treats Tyler?

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    She's aware and probably thinks Tyler really is good enough to take over one day, and maybe she's scared of that fact and tries to control the situation to her advantage.

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      Joey Ross

      Yes, I think Lillian is aware of Tyler's reaction to her.  I think Lillian cares about Tyler but also doesn't want to seem too friendly because she is Tyler's boss.

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        Vincent F. A. Golphin

        Lillian is the alpha in the relationship, and Tyler grew too used to the arrangement. I looked at the Nov. 12 incident with the budget as the main indicator. Golphin's law - the way you start is the way you finish. Once comfortably established, the power dynamic in most relationships are impossible to shift. Note the difference in Laura's response to Lillian. 
