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    Michelle Weidenbenner

    Hi Mandie -

    I'm working on way too many stories right now.  LOL. Does that happen to you? I had a dream and it sparked a paranormal story about a haunted house and a little girl. I woke up so scared that I had to write it all down...wrote 3000 words today. I had a blast. I love this writing life. Now, I'm not saying that the prose are reader-worthy yet, but I really enjoyed my day researching the story and creating my characters as I went. Typically I like to have an outline, but this time I'm allowing myself to go with it and see where it takes me. I might be sorry!

    Hope you had a great day too!

    Thanks for all you did around here and at BOOK PROMO for SCATTERED LINKS!


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      Dawn Marie Hamilton

      Working on the third novel in the Highland Gardens series (Scottish Time Travel w/ Faeries)--'Just Wait for Me'.

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        Amber C. Carlyle

        Hey everyone.

        Book# 3 of the Between the Veil series is currently underway. I'm working as fast as my fingers will let me to get this installment's first draft finished to get it to the beta readers.