Tell us about your latest book.
Knight of Wands is book 2 of the Devices of War Trilogy. Synn El’Asim finds himself captured by the Hands of Tarot yet again, only this time, it’s by the Queen of Swords, Dyna. She has a plan to take down her sister, Queen Nix. In order for them to do that, Synn has to be Nix’s Knight of Wands.
Through the course of the book, Synn finds himself played by Nix, Dyna, and his mother as they all position him for their own powerful benefit. Frustrated with all of them, he tells them to go pound dirt and calls all the tribes of their world into a council of peace.
What happens when the voiceless find their power? Or when the already mighty discover a power they haven’t tapped into yet? And what happens when the one that everyone thinks they can control slips his leash, and works to better the world and not himself?
Where did the idea for the book come from?
The emotional inspiration behind this book actually came from my Real World. I’d been working for this contractor. They demanded a 9 hour minimum work day, thought only of their company, and that you sacrificed all other things in your life.
At the same time, I was fighting for custody of my children. A lot of you have seen an ugly custody battle, so I won’t—and can’t—go into details, but it tore me up. I couldn’t do anything right. And I nearly got myself fired more than once.
It was very difficult emotionally. I wanted my children back. My stable job didn’t appreciate single parents, especially single mothers, and I had lot to prove because I’m female. I wanted to tell them both to go stuff a goose.
I ended up losing both battles. I was eventually fired from the job, and I lost my children—physically, emotionally…everything.
So, when Synn found himself in a similar situation with the two queens and his mother, I sat down with him, and said, “Dude, look. You are never going to win if you keep playing by their rules. This book is about fighting back against people who always seem to win because they’re willing to play dirty. Show me you can do better than I did.”
He did. I think that’s probably what I love most about him. He inspires me to do better.
Who and what inspire you to write?
I would say life, mostly. I needed a creative outlet.
But who made me believe I could do it? Johanna Lindsey. I’m pretty sure most of you have or have read her books. I still own most of them. I forget who introduced me to her. Anyway, I read one of her books, then started devouring all of them.
Then I got to this one. Silver Angel? I kept looking at the cover going, “Who wrote this book? It’s awful!” I finished and said, “Self, if this rock star can write one bad book and get published, you can, too.”
I realize it’s not the greatest, but she was my idle. That was the day I saw her as a human being instead of a writing goddess, and that was the day I realized I could be just as great. We’ll, uh, see how that goes.
Each author has his or her own inspiring journey. How did you begin writing?
Back a long, long time ago, a galaxy far, far away, there was a little girl and her name was Shy Violet. On a strange, back-water planet, she had to fight back against her oppressors, and discover the power she already had locked inside of herself.
That was the first story I actually wrote. Well, besides the Voltron comic my sister and I did. I needed a safe place as a kid, so I made one. My writing has been my conduit to keep me sane and strong.
What has been the most pleasant surprise about writing? How about an unexpected down side?
Oh, crap. I’ve been at this so long, I don’t remember any surprises. I will say that I do enjoy the fact that I’ve finally gained the ability to write anytime, anywhere. Unless it’s in my living room, then I can write there, as long as I can’t hear anything else. Silliest darned thing ever.
Unexpected down side? The industry. I didn’t the industry itself would be such an obstacle. I’ve learned a lot about it, which helps. Still, it takes a lot more than a really great story or book to survive. That has been a bit of a disappointment. Writing and editing are the easy parts. Getting it through and past this industry? *PG-13 swearing under breath* It’s a bit overwhelming.
Do you have any writing rituals?
I check my next chapter’s outline. Then I stare into space. Then I type about three words. Stare off into space some more. Check my outline again. Then I turn on that scene’s soundtrack (if I’m at home) and a rainstorm, and get to cracking.
On days that are going to be more productive, I stop every hour on the hour and do some form of “getting off my butt and moving.” It could be yoga for 15 minutes, or laundry, or dishes, or taking out the trash. But I get up and move for about 15 minutes every hour. I do it on the hour just because I trick myself into remaining on my butt if I don’t. Then I burn out. Not good.
Do you write your books in order?
The thought of not doing that terrifies me. And because you’re asking that question, I’m guessing you’ve met authors who don’t.
I think I just saw the life of the world flash before my eyes.
What is on your writing playlist for this book?
I was soooooo hoping someone would ask! I discovered Spotify. OMW!! Seriously! Wow.
My Dark Discovery soundtrack has a lot of Halo. Martin O’Donnell and Michael Salvatori have a keen knack for capturing imminent darkness in the form of music.
My Epic soundtrack doesn’t really have a “definition” of sorts. Its for those scenes that are adventurous, but not dark. I’m test driving Steve Henifin and his album Too Human. My all-time favorite track is Undertow. When I need to brainstorm, I’ll loop that one and just zone out. It’s really good.
Every once in a while, I just need something different, though. That sound track is a hodgepodge of Vernian Process, Faun, and Corvus Corax. I love Something Wicked (That Way Went) by Vernian Process, but my favorite on this track is Sverker by Corvus Corax. Love it!
Any favorite writing snacks?
Some evil person introduced me to the dark chocolate covered Acai and blueberries. She shall not be named. I mean, really, I can’t, but good grief! These things! Try eating just one. I dare you.
What advice would you give writers who aspire to be published?
Find something less painful!
If that doesn’t work, then I’d tell them to make sure your Big Girl/Boy Panties are clean. You’re gonna get into a wreck sooner or later. Make sure your underwear’s clean when that happens.
If you’re a quitter, or if you think this is going to be an easy ride, do us both a favor, and quit now while you’re ahead. Don’t whine at me later.
Are you working on anything new right now?
I am! I’m taking a small break from Devices of War for now, and I’m working on Dream Killers. DK is to Dreamland Stories (coming in early 2014 through Just Ink Press) what Agents of S.H.E.I.L.D. is to the Marvel movies. Its targeted for fans of Once Upon a Time and other fairytale renditions.
I don’t call out the fairytales, but you can see their influence. At least I can. Oh, wait. River just called Bo Captain Hook in the scene I wrote last night, so there might be some references, but they’re all backhand.
River was spat out from the Sea of Dreams with no memory of who he is or what he’s supposed to do. He discovers a ship full of pirates who sail the sea, the only location that no Dreamlander would dare go. He’s searching for clues to his origins, but trips onto something a lot more intriguing—warriors in Dreamland, dream killers, and the graveyard of dreams.
It’s a really fantastic story. He reads our dreams, so he’s got our snark and our slang. It’s a fantastic adventure with lots of incredible places and creatures and people. I think you’re gonna love it.
Who is your favorite character in your current book?
Zoe. She’s one of the dreamers River found. She was stranded as a little girl when her dustman was taken away. She’s nine now, and she’s learned how to take care of herself. She’s quiet, but very communicative with her face. It’s been a real challenge to capture that with words. There are times when I wish she’d just speak more, but she’s just such a lovely, fantastic character. I love every scene she’s in.
What is your favorite book of all time?
Magic’s Price by Mercedes Lackey. I don’t know if I will ever find a book to top that one. Last year was the first year in over a decade that I didn’t re-read it. My TBR was a little taller than me, so I’m using that as my excuse.
Tell us in one sentence why we should read your book.
Join me and Synn in epic air battles, through storms and surging seas, and experience an adventure that will sweep you away as we show his world what it means to have a voice.
Fall of Sky City Book 1 :
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