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J.D. Holiday posted a status
"JANOOSE and the FALL FEATHER FAIR https://cerealauthors.wordpress.com/2020/ 07/17/janoose-and-the-fall-feather-fair-2/"
Jul 21, 2020

Tell us about your book: 

As a pampered and adored daughter of a wealthy Southern family Rory's life was seemingly perfect until her troubled childhood crush moves back in across the street forcing her to choose between him and the life that has been chosen for her.
As if that isn't enough, her quiet island town has turned dangerous. A good friend has gone missing, lending truth to the rumors of a serial kidnapper. In her quest to help she becomes a target and will have to make choices about love, friendship and the inevitable sacrifice that they both require.

Where did the idea of your (latest) book come from?

When I was thinking about writing the second book I was thinking about first love and crushes and what would that be like if you lost your first crush and then had a second chance. How would that play out when your life was already set on another course? Would you be willing to give up everything to take that chance?

Who and what inspires you to write your books?

I love stories. I love to see what happens in the end. What decisions they make. Inspiration comes at weird times and usually I don't know where it came from until after it's done.

Each author has her own fascinating journey. How did you begin writing?

Writing and reading has always been my favorite medium to communicate or understand material. I get my thoughts across much better in the written word than verbally. I get myself in trouble when I speak. With writing at least I can edit.

I remember putting myself to sleep by telling myself stories. I played pretend all the time and spent a lot of time in my head as a child. I'm not totally sure how I got through school when the only subject I even paid attention in was English but writing was just an extension of the worlds and characters that live in my head.

What has been the most pleasant surprise about being a writer? How about the most unexpected downside?

The most pleasant surprise is when someone says they actually like your story or characters. I am continually shocked that people like them. The most unpleasant is probably how much time I spend alone now. Very different from my life before I started. I was always with other people. It's an interesting transition.

Do you have any particular writing routines or rituals?

I definitely have to get in the mind set to write. I have a cup of tea and turn off social media. I usually set a time and give myself a word count to hit by that time. I work better under a deadline.

Do you write in order?

For sure. Some of my author friends tell me they just write a scene and worry about where to put it later. My muse would probably have a seizure if I did that. I'm a very linear writer. If it hasn't happened yet it hasn't happened yet! Writing out of order does not even compute in my head.

What is on your playlist when you write?

Don't have one. I have to have quiet. Lyrics and beat throw me off. It influences the mood of the scene. My brain can't do that any time. I wasn't one of those kids that listened to music and did homework. I can plot to classical because it has no lyrics but other than that quiet is a necessity.

Favorite writing snack?

Usually cracker or fruit

Where do you like to write?

I am lucky to have my own office in my house. It's across from the laundry room so you think I could get more laundry done at the same time but uhhh, no. I looked in there this morning and I think it's multiplying itself. Sigh.

Do you have any advice for authors wanting to publish?

Keep writing and educate yourself about the process. Don't take just anyone's word for anything. Go to writing conferences, meet other authors and take it seriously. Make time to write everyday!

Are you currently working on anything else?

Yes I'm about a third of the way through with my third novel which is going to be in the Breathe universe.

Who is your favorite character and why?

In Crushing it's hard to choose. I love Bailee and Nathan. They are both kind of adorable and had some interesting traits I didn't know about when I started. I love Dominic and his tenacious personality but I guess my favorite is Gage. He's wounded but has dealt with it well and does the right thing even though he doesn't think of himself as a hero he is.

Favorite book of all time?

It's almost impossible to pick one but probably "To Kill A Mockingbird"

I think breakfast says a lot about a person. What is your perfect breakfast?

I love breakfast! It's my favorite meal of the day and I could eat it at anytime. This is a tough one to choose but I'm going to say Eggs Benedict. Yummy Cinnamon French Toast runs a close second!

Please tell us in one sentence why we should read your book.

If you love heroes, sacrifice and the choices we make for family, friendship and love it will be your kind of book.

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