My latest (and only) book is Thirty-Two Going on Spinster. It’s about a woman who is stuck in a rut and needs to get out. And the tale of how she does.
It’s a story that has been in my head for a long time now. But it has evolved over time to become what it is. It started from a work crush that I had once and then blossomed from there.
I love to read. I think that is what inspired me to write, mostly. Essentially friends and family that helped push me (gently, of course) to do it, have inspired me as well.
I wish I had some remarkably poignant moment in my life where I thought, “I should be a writer”, but I don’t. I have always made up stories, though. I used to come up with these huge romantic gestures in my head and then that’s how I would put myself to sleep at night – developing the characters and stories in my mind. I thought that was something everyone did, but I’ve been told that it’s not.
I think the most pleasant surprise is the feeling of accomplishment. I tend to start things and never finish them. So writing, even if I only write a page or two, makes me feel like I’m making progress. Finishing a book was a HUGE accomplishment for me. That was a great feeling. The down side was not unexpected for me. I am, by nature, a procrastinator. So I procrastinate writing, and these stories are in my head, begging to get out and I think, “yes, yes, today is your day my make-believe friend”… but then somehow time slips away and I give the old “tomorrow…I will do it tomorrow” thing.
I like to listen to music when I write. And I like my office space to be clean before I write. That will add to the procrastination, actually. I will think “I should write” and then I will see my office and think “tomorrow… I will do it tomorrow.”
For the most part. If I get a scene in my head, I might jump ahead and write it. Usually it’s only a basic outline because by the time I catch the rest of the book up to that point, things have changed. So I usually have to re-write that part. But sometimes I will get a scene in my head that I need to get out now, or I fear that I will forget it. For the most-part though, I like to go in order.
I had a few playlists. Fun, and cheerful songs for when I was writing fun scenes. And then depressing, why-does-my-life-suck songs for depressing/downer scenes. I like a lot of different artists, but I did have a lot of Taylor Swift on my playlists.
Um… chocolate. That is my favorite snack for anything. Movie snack? Chocolate. Watching TV snack? Chocolate. Pre-dinner snack? Chocolate. You get the idea.
I’m self-published. I think a lot of what holds people back is the thought that even if you were to write a book, you have to find a publisher and go through all of that. But it’s a different world out there in the writing universe. Your voice can be heard so much easier now! So just write. Don’t worry about all of the other things. Write first, and make it good - something you would want to read. Then find the right editor, and get the right book cover (your book cover is one of the most important things). There are less edited versions of my book out there and it’s very frustrating! So do it right the first time. But seriously, write your book. It’s fulfilling in so many ways.
I am! I am writing a sequel to Thirty-Two Going on Spinster called Thirty-Three Going on Girlfriend (how original of me, right?). I also have another book I’m working on about a girl who tries to stop a wedding. I have a bunch of ideas… now to find the time to do it all.
Julia is the main character of my book, and I do love her. I love how she grows in this book, and I can’t say that was planned out, as much as it just happened. I used to laugh at other authors who would talk about their characters like they are real people. I think I get it now. I still think it’s crazy… but now I think I’ve joined the crazies.
Oh wow, of all time? That’s a tough one. What I want to say right now is something that is considered high-literature, you know, to impress everyone. But the only thing that is coming to mind right now is “Can You Keep a Secret” by Sophie Kinsella. I really do love chick lit.
It’s a fun story about change and how sometimes we chose to change, and sometimes we’re forced to do it, but when we do allow ourselves to do it, it can be amazing.
Stalk Becky:
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